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John grew up in our neighborhood right by Highland High. Our friends in the 1970 graduating class included Charley Hafen, Craig Jackson, Terry Hogan, Gordon Hall, Timm Roderick, Michael Heath, Kim Naylor, Debbie Barker, Susan Larson, Carol Chase, Janet Griffiths, Heather Nosack, and I'm sure I have forgotten someone. John played local sports with us and had a lot of raw talent. He was very dependable and hardworking his whole life. As I remember, he played on the non-sponsored Highland soccer (club?) team. Although the rest of us were not proficient at that game, he occasionally recruited several of us to play when they didn't have enough to make an entire team. As I remember the games were played in Sugarhouse Park. Anyway, he was a very interesting great guy and will be missed by many people.